Light Properties


Properties and more.

Property NameDescription


Sets the light to be "Spot" (directional) or "Point" (omnidirectional).


Changes the color of light source.


How bright the light is.

Outer Cone Angle (Only Spot Type)

Angle/Frustum of the outer spotlight cone. (Reference Image Light Source Outer-Inner Cone)

Inner Cone Angle (Only Spot Type)

Angle/Frustum of the inner spotlight cone.

Source Size

Modifies the softness of the light source. (Reference Image Light Source Outer-Inner Cone)

Light Range

Distance at which the light falls off.

Cast Static Shadows

Enables shadows for static objects.

Cast Dynamic Shadows

Enables shadows for dynamic objects, adds additional expense.

Shadow Start Distance

Distance from source at which the shadows start. (Reference Image Light Shadow Start Distance)

List of settings

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