Start Exploring Forge Wiki

Majority of the sections are a WIP as there are a lot of items to capture screenshots, details, etc. We'll continue to expand Forge Wiki as time permits.

Anyone can contribute to Forge Wiki.

Understanding the Basics

Documenting forge, the editor, as it was intended.

pageController Layouts

Game Modes

Want to learn about how to setup game modes for your forge map? This is the section for you.

pageCapture the Flag


Tutorials, help documents and more!

Anyone can and should contribute to this section. We're all here to share the knowledge of Halo Infinite's Forge, this will be the place to find it!

pageCreate False Water


Learn how to set the tone the of your map.



List of all the Objects from the Object Browser.

Note: This section is a WIP and is a very large list of items to capture screenshots, details, etc. We'll continue to expand on everything as time permits.



List of all the nodes in Node Graph.

Note: This section is a WIP and is a very large list of items to capture screenshots, details, etc. We'll continue to expand on everything as time permits.



Important information and other related documentation



Need help with Forge? Forge Wiki? Halo? Go here.


Last updated